Statements and Quotations

This section lists all the direct quotations used in the module to foster initial thinking about the thrust of the module.

“When social problems such as racism, sexism and homophobia surface in our schools and classrooms, the steps toward change are bound to be complex and multi-faceted. Teachers, as part of the education team, hold one thread in a web of prevention strategies. All members of the school community need to play a part.”

Centre ontarien de prévention des agressions (COPA) & Ontario Teachers’ Federation (OTF). (2010, p. v), Promoting equity and inclusive education in schools: A teacher’s guide. Toronto, Canada: COPA/OTF.

“As teachers, individually and collectively, we can identify many opportunities to model and encourage positive behaviours and interactions that help create classrooms and a school environment where bullying is unable to take root and grow.”

Centre ontarien de prévention des agressions (COPA) & Ontario Teachers’ Federation (OTF) (2011, p. 29.), Creating safe schools: A bullying prevention guide for teachers. Toronto, Canada: COPA/OTF.

“When parents and caregivers participate in efforts to prevent bullying and promote equity and inclusion, it creates a ripple effect, amplifying the outcomes….Their endorsement of such values and attitudes, in theory and in practice fosters coherence in students’ lives by building a bridge between home and school.”


Centre ontarien de prévention des agressions and the Ontario Teachers’ Federation. (2013a). Working with parents/caregivers. Safe@School. Retrieved from