Big Ideas and Questions

This section includes the key ideas that underpin the topic in the module. It also includes questions that support an inquiry stance about teacher-parent relationships; encourages independent and collaborative reflection; and provides a springboard for independent or collaborative professional reflection about the module’s focus.

Big Ideas:

  • Conflict is a natural by-product of human interaction and healthy relationships.  Conflict that is resolved effectively can be a source for stronger teacher-parent relationships.
  •  Teachers can be proactive to lessen the likelihood of harmful conflicts arising.
  •  Conflicts sometimes occur when some parents hold expectations of educators and the education system that are either incompatible with board policies and laws (in place to protect and govern the profession and support students) or that do not align with up-to-date educational research or practice.
  •  Teachers may not always be able to manage and resolve conflicts with parents and guardians alone. Sometimes they need help from a third-party.


  • What conditions can we, as teachers, try to create to help ensure that conflict is productive and not destructive?
  • What are some proactive strategies we can employ that lessen the likelihood of harmful conflicts arising?
  •  What might be done to meet and manage parents’ expectations throughout the year?
  • What mechanisms and resources exist to support our work in conflict prevention, management and resolution?